Dear Philosophical Studies in Education SIG Members,
I hope you are all well. I’m writing to encourage you to vote on the three positions our SIG has on the ballot for the AERA election. The election closes on February 11, 2022. You should receive your ballot link by email directly and automatically from AERA. Biographies of each candidate are available on your personal ballot. The three positions and candidates on the Philosophical Studies in Education SIG ballot are:
Secretary/Treasurer (2-year term begins in 2022)
The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for managing and reporting on the financial accounts of the SIG and the safe keeping of all financial documents of the SIG.
Oded Zipory
Benjamin Kearl
Communications Director (2-year term begins in 2022)
The Communications Director shall use various forms of online communication tools (including the Web Site and SIG listserv) to keep members informed of SIG activities and to promote the interaction of SIG members between annual meetings.
Douglas Yacek
Spencer J. Smith
Graduate Student Representative (2-year term begins in 2022)
The Graduate Student Representative shall be responsible for assisting with the organization of the graduate student events and community-building activities for graduate student SIG members.
Sijin Yan
Caitlin Murphy Brust
Garry Mitchell
Thank you for your support of the SIG and your engagement with the election process!